Cornwall, C., S. Moore, D. DiPietro, S. Veloz, L. Micheli, L.Casey, M. Mersich. 2015. Climate Ready Sonoma County: Climate Hazards and Vulnerabilities. Prepared as part of Climate Action 2020 by North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative for Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority. Santa Rosa, California.
Moore, Sara S., Nat E. Seavy, and Matthew Gerhart. 2013. Scenario planning for climate change adaptation: A guidance for resource managers. Point Blue Conservation Science and California Coastal Conservancy.
Moore, Sara. 2011. Futures of Wild Marin. California Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Study: Scenario Planning Workshop. 2-page handout with results from pilot workshop. Prepared for the California Energy Commission.
Moore, S. (2019). 10 Things I’ve Learned as a Queer Woman in the Climate and Energy Fields. Impakter Magazine (Online): "The largest platform for Sustainable News and Products."
Moore, S. (2017). Opinion: Is Climate Change Driving You to Despair? Read This. Ensia Magazine (Online). Independent publication supported by the Instit. on the Envir. at the U of MN.
Related podcast: Climate Change Got You Down? You Need to Hear This Now on Our Warm Regards with Andy Revkin, Jacqueline Gill, Eric Holthaus. Recorded on Oct. 6, 2017, posted on Oct. 10, 2017.Moore, S. (2011). Preparing for Climate Change with Scenarios: A Marin County Case Study (PDF). Written May 2011, published Sept. 2011 on "Current Perspectives," the (defunct as of 2018) Climate Change Blog of the California Department of Water Resources.
Moore S. (2009). Protecting California's Vulnerable Populations from the Effects of Climate Change (PDF). PolicyMatters 7(1): 10-14. (A Journal of the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley.) Erratum: The published title is "Protecting California's Vulnerable Population" (singular), which is an error.
WWF Climate Prep Blog Posts
I wrote the following articles for the World Wildlife Fund's, "Explorations in Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience" (2013-2017). Note that was retired in 2018. Links are to where available.
• The Sea Level Rise Solution that is as Charismatic as Mud
- February 17, 2017 (Re-post on this blog)
• The Internet of Water (the re-posted version, no version available) - October 31, 2016
• Sea Level Rise Seen with New Eyes: the OWLs of San Mateo (the re-posted version, no version available) -
August 30, 2016
• Farmland in Flux - July 8, 2014 (Re-post on this blog)
• Honest Conversations: Climate Change and Uncertainty - December
12, 2013 (Re-post on this blog)
Scenario planning to help natural resource managers face climate change, Adaptation Futures (2nd International Conference on Climate Adaptation), Tucson, AZ, May 2012
Master's Theses
Moore, S. (2010). Emerging Climate Change Adaptation Policy: A North Pacific Analysis. Unpublished paper. International and Area Studies Program, University of California, Berkeley. Completed for the fulfillment of the thesis course requirements for the Master of Arts in International and Area Studies degree. (129 pages)
Moore, S. (2009). California’s Climate Adaptation Water Strategy: An Analysis of Implications for Individual and Community Rights and Responsibilities. A Study Conducted for the California Climate Adaptation Strategy Working Groups. Unpublished paper. Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley. Completed for the fulfillment of the Advanced Policy Analysis course requirements for the Master of Public Policy degree. (69 pages)
Summers, J. (2018). Interview: "Sara Moore - Climate Champion." On the blog Fantastic Women in Science.