
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

One week until NAF! Join me in my session "When Armageddon is Your Day Job"

The third biannual National Adaptation Forum (NAF) is starting next Tuesday in St. Paul, Minnesota. I'm excited to see colleagues and friends from around the country!

There will be a American Society of Adaptation Professionals (ASAP) daily digest covering the NAF and I *believe* I'll be writing for it: click here to subscribe.

Find out more about the ASAP member meeting - Mon. May 8 in St. Paul (2:45 - 5:15 PM) - we've met up at the previous NAFs but this time we have an agenda.

Follow me on Twitter (@stripeygirlcat) - I will be Tweeting the conference as usual.

While I've presented or facilitated at the California Adaptation Forum and the International Adaptation Futures conferences, this will be my first time organizing a session at NAF! I'm putting this together with two colleagues who have a lot of experience with practitioner training and climate change communication - Amber Pairis (Climate Science Alliance) and Kristen Goodrich (Tijuana River NERR):

When Armageddon is Your Day Job: Coping Strategies
Wednesday, 2:30pm to 4:20pm, Meeting Room 11

We'll be talking through some of the research on primary climate trauma (e.g., from watching your house fall into the ocean) and secondary trauma for practitioners (e.g., from mapping out the erosion projections for that coast but not being able to get the government to do managed retreat in time). We'll walk participants through some exercises to help us suss out good coping strategies. Look, we made a flier for it!

I'll do a separate blog post with the interesting research links from our prep work for this session.

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