
Friday, September 2, 2011

Now on the California DWR Climate Change Blog - A Summary of the "Futures of Wild Marin" Climate Change Scenario Planning Case Study

California's Department of Water Resources decided to start a climate change blog at the beginning of this year, and provisionally called it a "Clog," i.e., short for climate change blog. I wasn't alone in thinking it needed a new name, and now it is live under the title "Climate Change Current Perspectives," with the word "current" in a watery font.

Meanwhile, Erin Chappell, the staff scientist who is the climate change point person for Northern California, asked me to write a summary of the case study workshop I did using scenario planning to develop a resource management action plan in West Marin, California. I wrote it up and submitted a final version in May 2011. By now I'd decided they probably weren't going to post it. But no! Today I got notice that it was live!

See the California DWR climate change blog

See the archived form of my article "Preparing for Climate Change with Scenarios: A Marin County Case Study" (just a PDF of the post)

One correction to the post: I'm no longer employed by Erika Zavaleta's lab at UC Santa Cruz. The funding ran out in July, and so I'm just a freelance consultant. I let DWR know and told them they can either correct my title or insert the original May date of the article in the blog header. Or, leave it as-is, since Erika certainly won't mind me being erroneously assigned to her lab again. Especially since I'm still working on the project as a volunteer. :->

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